Monday, June 12, 2006

Winner of Chat Contest and More

Hope everyone is having a good Monday morning and congrads to Maithe Ortiz--she won a copy of Crimson Promise from the contest I had during the CataNetwork Readers Chat June 11th!
My next chat will be with Romance Designs, at their Beach Party Summer Chat on Wednesday, June 14th at 10PM EST. The link for the chat is I'll be there for the first hour, and the prize I'm giving away is a pdf copy of my erotic fantasy story, Wedded Magic by LoveYouDivine.Com.
And at Fantasci 5, July 29, 2006 at the table where I'll be signing my chapbook, Beyond the Four Walls and CDs of Crimson Promise, I'll be having a contest. I'll be giving away a basket containing a PDF copy of Wedded Magic on CD, a medieval style tankard, a bottle of sparkling apple cider and some other little tibits.

Talking about Fantasci 5, I want to mention to writers and potential writers, check out your local conventions. This is a great way to meet your fan base, or get more fans even, and for those trying to become writers, you can take writing workshops and go to panels with writers on them, where you can find out what they do to write, promote their books, etc.... Conventions are a great source for any writer, whether science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance and mystery. So check out one today.
And to promote a great upcoming convention for next year, try Ravencon 2007, to be held at the Doubletree Inn at the Richmond Airport in Richmond, Virginia. The website link is . Keep an eye on the website for information on our author guest of honor and more.

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