Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Werewolf for Hire Made Top Ten in P&E Poll!!!

My horror flash fiction, "Werewolf for Hire" made in the top ten of Preditors and Editors Horror Short Story poll! It's #10, but that's still in the top ten. Any one can read the story for free at Werewolf For Hire at . I'm still in shock.


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Pam that is wonderful

  2. Congratulations!
    Remember me? I sat beside you at a couple meals during Epicon.

    I'm sending my bloggers over here to see your blog, and to look at that werewolf story.

    You heard about my blog contest, didn't you? I post on other author's blogs. My readers (anybody can play!) are hunting and seeking based on clues I post on my blog. If they find it, and keep a list, they can send that to me at the end of April (when the contest ends) and the one with the longest correct list wins $10.

    If they POST ON YOUR BLOG, and have a list of where they posted, they'll get in a drawing for another $10.

    I run a lot of contests like that. I hope you'll enjoy lots of blog hits from this, and maybe pick up a few fans that way.

    I also have two other contests going. One, all you have to do is post on my blog. The other is a sign up for my newsletter and answer the easy question. Both are $10 gift certificates awarded.

    Anyhow, nice to find your blog Pam.
    My blog can be found with an easy link at my web site.
    ~Carys Weldon

  3. Of course, you can. I'll have to check out your blog. :D

  4. Carys Weldon sent me here.
