Saturday, April 07, 2007

Meet Our Consuite Coordinator, Lee Gilliland

Meet Our Consuite Coordinator, Lee Gilliland:

1. Tell us about yourself. How long have you been in Fandom?

I do seem to remember being introduced to somebody's pet apatasaurus, vaguely, my first or second con. I guess that translates as "a while".

2. Tell us why you decided or agreed to do Ravencon. Why the consuite?

It soothes my "Little Mother of All the World" inclinations. Otherwise I tend to roam the halls insisting people put on sweaters.

3. Did last year's con proved everything you wanted it to do, or did itexceed beyond your expectations?

Hell yes, that was my first GOH. As to the "everthing I wanted it to do"... sorry, I'm happily married, further the despondent sayeth not.

4. Where do you see Ravencon in future?

Probably in Richmond, although I wouldn't mind Fredericksburg, it's closer to where I live.

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