Monday, June 25, 2007

Heather Ingemar Stops By To Talk About Darkness Cornered

Today, Author Heather S. Ingemar stops by on her virtual tour. Enjoy this interview where we'll learn about her and her story, "Darkness Cornered, published by Echelon Press."

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a country-girl at heart, a rancher’s wife. I’ve been a dreamer for as long as I can remember. A musician. That’s pretty much it, really. Me in a nutshell.

A musician? Does this influence your writing at all?

Yes, I’ve been playing music since I was five—I came from a musical family.

Music does influence my writing, quite a lot, actually. I can’t function without it. Music helps me think, helps me connect with my characters, with the essence of the story. Sometimes, music even suggests a story to me.

So, about your current release, “Darkness Cornered.” Tell us a bit about it.

“Darkness Cornered” is a dark, sci-fi and suspense story detailing one man’s choice to stand up against the crimes committed in the name of science. It’s available at Fictionwise (, and runs about two dollars, less if you’re a member. It’s doing very well right now.

How well is “very well”?
Last week it made number two on the mystery/crime bestseller list for short stories.

Impressive. Back to the music: what did you listen to when you wrote it?

I listened to a lot of Coldplay. “Parachutes” and “A Rush of Blood to the Head,” mostly.

Why did you decide to have “Darkness Cornered” e-published?

I went the ebook route because the majority of people read content online. With “Darkness Cornered,” length wasn’t an issue--sometimes people don’t want to read full-length novels online, but “Cornered” was a short story. Also, I’m not a literary writer. (laughs)

How has the ebook experience been for you?

Very good. Karen—my publisher—is a great lady to work with. My cover is fantastic and the layout was very nicely done. I’ve been pleased.

You mentioned “Darkness Cornered” is a short story. Why short fiction?

Because I’m not a patient person! (laughs) Really, though, I simply prefer the short fiction, short story medium. I feel like I’ve got more creative liberties, not to mention, with my busy personal life—what with farm work and my town job—I’m not pressured to give up months and years of my life to finish it. Short fiction also fits my creative work style: I tend to work in fits and spurts. If I don’t finish something relatively quickly, generally, I don’t finish it at all. My inspiration wanes after months of work on something.

In short (no pun intended), the short fiction medium suits me and my personality.

What was the most shocking thing about being an author?

The most shocking thing? Seeing myself listed alongside Neil Gaiman on a stranger’s blogroll.

Can we expect any other works coming out soon? And
where can we learn more about you?

Yes. I’ve got two upcoming releases, “A Slip of Wormwood” and “Prophet’s Choice,” both from Echelon Press (
). “A Slip of Wormwood” is a twisted little short, and “Prophet’s Choice” is a fantasy novella. No release dates for either as of yet, but you can keep up with that and other information on my website:

Please, if you stop by, say hello! I love comments and e-mail.

Synopsis of “Darkness Cornered” by Heather S. Ingemar

Lear King is one of thousands in the latest chain of human evolution—vampyres. The V-mutation, as many call it, moved fast through the population and heightened certain natural traits such as photosensitivity, cell regeneration, and lower body core temperature until the people affected became like the supernatural creatures of ancient myths. And as with most developments in evolution, it becomes survival of the fittest: most of the “normals” died out.

Except for Kai Green, Lear’s girlfriend. She’s one of the last few “normals,” and the light of his life.

Then there’s Dr. Maddox Corvan, the head of the Department of Scientific Research, who is certain that this V-mutation is a disease, and who will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of it. Even tracking down the remaining “normals” and performing macabre experiments upon them under the reputable guise of his station.

Dr. Corvan, frustrated after his last experiments go haywire, locates Kai, and pins her as his next victim. But there’s just one problem.


Can he save her before it’s too late?

Heather S. Ingemar has loved to play with words since she was little, and it wasn't long until she started writing her own stories. A musician since the age of five (piano, saxophone, violin, pennywhistle and Irish flute), she completed a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature in December of 2006. She and her husband reside on the family cattle ranch, where she takes great delight in thinking up new stories to tell.

To learn more about Heather S. Ingemar, please visit her personal website:

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