Sunday, July 08, 2007

Haunted Richmond in a Bookstore, Next Stop on Blog Tour & Interview

As you can see my book is in bookstores, at least at Creatures and Crooks BookShoppe in Richmond, Virginia. Barnes and Noble should have it in their database, but somehow they haven't gotten it in completely yet. The Schiffer rep will be talking to the Borders buyer later this week so it will soon be there too.

I also had an interview done at Author's Alley . I'm after author Paige Cumming's interview, so scroll on down. Leave a comment too.

My next stop on my book, Haunted Richmond, Virginia's virtual blog tour is here: Vicki M. Taylor . Please leave a comment. :D
And leave a comment for the tour stop on my blog for Return to Zandria. The author of this Young Adult fantasy is having a contest with it, so if it's my blog, then you might win a prize, as she points out on her blog:
As as week
end bonus, author Pamela K. Kinney has posted a review of RETURN TO ZANDRIA on her blog. This is part of my Virtual Book Tour - Pam will be my guest next week to talk about her book, HAUNTED RICHMOND. So cruise on over and see what she's got to say about the book, and leave a comment to be eligible for the prize if Pam is the lucky Tour Host winner!
Pamela K. Kinney's blog

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