Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today's My Birthday!

Yep, I was born on this day a lot of years ago. Spent it writing as have a chance to pitch to an agent end of this month. We'll see what happens there. Later today go with my husband to see the movie, Stardust. Plan to buy myself the DVD of Supernatural, Season 2.
Yeah, I got presents or was allowed to buy what I wanted at Dragoncon by my husband, but the gift I am loving is my book out, plus more published works coming out. My gift is my dream coming true. How many can say that?
And I hope that all writers and potential writers here get to get their birthday gifts too--their dream realized. Same for all others here--a realized dream for whatever you want your goal to be is the best darn birthday present anyone can get.
Happy birthday to us all!

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