Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blog Tour Stop of Marina Kuperman and Turtle Feet, Surfer's Beat

Today's author stopping on a blog tour is Marina Kuperman. She is the author of the Young Adult novel, TURTLE FEET, SURFER´S BEAT. It will be an e-Book and comes out November 15, 2007.

10% of all the proceeds go directly to saving the Leatherback Turtle and other marine animals.
The official publication date of ‘Turtle Feet, Surfer’s Beat’ is November 15, 2007. But you can buy the ebook and read it now!!! or if you pre-order today you will get a kick-ass gift with your book just in time for the holiday season for helping out a good cause.
So order now, and join our community with super-hot surfers, musicians, artists, actors, kooky scientists and others that are working hard to make a change!!!

You can find out more about Marina and the book at her website and blog:



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