Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Kitten Tumbling and the Mary Higgins Clark Dinner Last Night

Yesterday was quite a day. The end of it was an author and book dinner given by Chesterfield County Library's Friends of the Library, with the queen of suspense, Mary Higgins Clark.
But the day started off on a bizarre note. Now there are urban legends out there to do with animals and things in your house, like microwaves and the dryer. Well, this is no urban legend. It actually happened.
I took some wet clothes out of the washing machine and added them to what was already in the dryer. No sign of anything unusual in the dryer. I closed the door and pushed to button to start it. Well, the machine started bouncing up and down hard, and acted like a ton of rocks were inside it. I opened the door, shuttin g it off. Nothing, but wet clothes. Closed it and started again. same thing as before. I quickly open the dry and this time my black kitten, Bast was laying there, looking daze.
I grabbed her and first, spanked her once, telling her what the hell was she doing in the dryer. Then I hugged her and cuddled her. Her tail was puffed out and her head wet. I put her down and she takes off.
I'm hoping she learned her lesson and next time won't sneak into the dryer tp sleep in there. Husband thinks not: she's too brave and rambunctious, and seems to get into trouble easily. We'll see. For now, the dryer door stays closed, and I check it now, just in case.

On the Mary Higgins Clark dinner, I was late as just came from signing a loan with husband. Dropped off my stub for the door prizes and I was led to my seat at a round table filled with other women. Was told to go get my glass of wine as that came with the dinner. I had my salad, then chatted met and chatted with some of the others. Jazz by some jazz band started and our dinner served. I had the turkey one. Then the music interlude ended and the food eaten up, there was a lull earlier than thought and a lady next to me who knew the one who would present Mrs. Clark told her a good time to start early.
Mary Higgins Clark was wonderful. She regaled us with tales of what led her up to writing and her stories were funny. Her daughter, author Carol Higgins Clark was there also. Afterwards, some of us lined up to buy the newsest books she has out while they drew the door prizes winners. No, I didn't win. Mrs. Clark's novel sold out quickly, but I went ahead and bought the children's book, Ghost Ship, and had her signed it. I went home after, just in time for my husband to go get our adult son from work.

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