Saturday, December 22, 2007

Come Listen to My Interview 12/23 with Dead Air Paranormal Talk Radio

I'll be doing an radio interview Sunday, December 23rd with Dead Air Paranormal Talk Radio,at 8:30PM to 9-10PM Eastern. You can call in toask questions to me at 1-888.792.4836 (888-7-WBGU FM) Toll Free. Their show is 8Pm to 10PM Eastern every Sunday night. Listen in to any of the below webcast to them--must have DSL or Cableand Quicktime installed.

WBGU-FM 88.1WFAL-AM 1610 (Low Power, BGSU Campus Only) Time Warner Cable CH. 21 in BG, and 13 in PembervilleWeb Cast at the Following Web Locations:

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