Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Shevacon Is Coming!!!

Shevacon is approaching. No, that's not a threat. It's coming, and that is that! I was a writer guest of theirs last year and enjoyed it immensely. And now I'm back this year. Don't know about better, but maybe still warped. I'll be doing some panels, maybe a book signing and reading, and if can fit it in, hang out in costume at some point with my husband--who wears stormtrooper armor--and other members of 501st. Oh, and party too. Of course. What's a con without a good party where on can let her hair down. Well, maybe not. A writer has her reputation to protect. LOL!
So if you're in Virginia, or coming to Shevacon anyway, come check out the panels I'll be on. Like Sex in genre fiction (hey, Author P.N. Elrod is on it, besides author friends, Elizabeth Blue and Kristy Tallman ) or the paranormal one with author Rosemary Ellen Guiley and two real-life ghost busters. Saturday, I'll be doing the Iron Author challenge. Plus a couple other super panels.
I can't wait. I need to let my hair down. Been writing like crazy the past few days here. Got a late night radio interview tonight at 11PMEST/ 9PM MST. It's Residual Hauntings Live Internet Radio Show and you can access it at . I'll be talking about Haunted Richmond, Virginia and my other works.
Anyway, if you're at the convention, do say hi. :D For those who want to go but need the address of the Holiday Inn Roanoke-Tanglewood where it will be held, here's their website link: Shevacon .org .

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