Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ghost Hunting, Writing, RT and Ravencon

Well, my next two weeks will be busy. Finishing and editing last part of an urban fantasy novel that I will be pitching to two editors (one from Berkeley and the other from Dorchester) at Romantic Times Convention next week. I hope it goes over with them. I know one of my characters is a favorite with my writer groups. Then on Saturday (unless it rains, which the news has been threatening about) I'll be ghost hunting, or investigating with some investigators at Cold Harbor Civil War Battlefied here. I've done it a few weeks ago with one of the investigators, Laura and a friend, Susan at Evergreen Cemetery. Got some cool pictures--one you can see some ecto, maybe a figure. Monday I'll join Laura and the other investigator, along with a paranormal radio station coming to town and do Wrexham Hall. First, Wrexham is beautiful, a house from 1700s that became two houses later on. And the ghost, Susannah, is active.
So, like I said busy.
Then on Tuesday the 15th I leave for Romantic Times. Not with my husband--he stays home--but with one of my roommates at the Hilton and a fellow member of Virginia Romance Writers. Been excited about this. Working on costumes, lately my boots for the Boots is Made for Walking Dorchester party. Working to finish this novel. Packing.
Then once back from RT on 20th I'll only have about four days until my husband and I leave for the Crown Plaza West hotel Thursday the 24th. That night will be Unhappy Hour at the Edgar Allen Poe Museum (they're one of our guests for the con). Then on Friday, three days of craziness, fun and a good time. Working too, as a member of the staff.
So, like I said, busy as a bee.Will I go insane? I'm a writer, what else can you expect?
On RT, I will be signing copies of Haunted Richmond at the Saturday the 20th book fair. If want more information on the book fair, what price would be just for that, or even about the convention in general, the link is
Romantic Times 2008 I'll be signing as Sapphire Phelan at same book fair, Coming Together: Under Fire, an erotic collection of short stories and poetry by authors of Phaze Publishing. Proceeds of this anthology goes to the fire victims of the Southern California fires in 2007.

Anyway, got to get off and pound the computer keys on that book. Have a good day, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Pamela, it was so great to meet you at RT, I dove into Haunted Richmond today and I love it! Congratulations and keep me posted!
