Sunday, June 22, 2008

Review of The Nightwalker by Thomas Tessier, A Friend's Story Published and More

First, a good friend, Susan Schwartz got her short horror/dark fiction, "I Thought You Did" published at HorrorBound Magazine. You can read it at
. Then I want to let you know to come back tomorrow for the virtual blog tour stop of author Kim Richards and her novella, Death Masks. I will have a review of it, plus you can see the book cover, the author's bio and more. Then on Tuesday, June 24th, I will blog about what I did yesterday, along with my husband and members of the local 501st garrison, Tyranus and another member of the Rebel Legion. For a hobby, my husband and I do costuming: making and wearing costumes at conventions and at events. My husband as a Star Wars stormtrooper and me in jedi garb trooped with the others at Barnes and Noble in Midlothian, Virginia's Summer Reading event. There'll be pictures also. So be sure to cone back Tuesday.
Today, I am giving a quick review of two novellas in one book, The Nightwalker by Thomas Tessier. The Nightwalker is a werewolf tale. Never too sure if the main character, Bobby Ives, is becoming a true werewolf, or slowly falling deep into the descent of madness, Tessier takes this story with possible traditional people in the werewolf tale and moving them up to the 1970s and twisting them around.
Bobby is a Vietnam vet, now living in London, England. He exists on vitamins and hardly much else. His body may be getting healthier, but is his mind though? That's the question. Or is he cursed, maybe since birth, with the Vietnam war helping bring out the beast within you. A truly good story, it will make you think and wonder: how far beneath our human self is our beast waiting to awaken?
The next story, The Dreams of Dr. Ladybank, is the terrifying decent into madness. There is the gay man, Tony, who hears a voice and not sure if another side to himself or maybe broadcasted from elsewhere he becomes a female hooker to attract men, especially Snake, who we learn is also seeing the same shrink, Dr. Ladybank, that Tony is seeing. In more ways, this story is scarier than The Nightwalker, for this is truly the beast we all fear, waiting to get its hooks into us.
If ypu need a fast, scary read, then these two novellas in one book will give you something to read. Just be sure to read them during the day, surrounded by people. Otherwise,at night, these two 'beastly' stories just might hook your fears even more.
Get this book at

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