Monday, June 09, 2008

Thinking Outside of the Box

Never say a yard sale isn't a new way to sign books, but also to give out business cards to people. I did the Starfleet Atlantic Sci-Fi Yard Sale Saturday, June 7th in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Before, when my husband and I go down to do this we just sold yard sale items. This year, istill brought some yard sale stuff, time, also my books I have stories and poems publsihed in, along with copies of Haunted Richmond, Virginia and Beyond the Four Walls chapbook, plus promo. Today, at this moment, Haunted Richmond, Virginia is #39 on
I not only sold a copy of Beyond the Four Walls (which the cover artist, S. L. Wickham
, was there, sellig her art work) signed the cover for the person who got it, but I also sold what I had left of downloads of my erotic paranormal romance novella, Beast Magic I wrote as Sapphire Phelan on CDs and a copy of Haunted Richmond too. The space didn't cost me anything being a member of Starfleet Atlantic, I still spent time with good friends, had a super lunch of cookout burgers and hot dogs and more, and maybe got more people to know about me. One of those people was somone who works for a local Barnes and Noble, who says she would give my cards (both pen names) to her manager as they love local authors. Artist S.L. Wickham herself may have have a chance now to get her works in a local gallery, thanks to a customer who bought three of her prints. Keep your fingers crossed for her too, and do check out her link in this blog to check out her myspace site.

So next time, you the author or you the artist think, Why should I do a yard sale?, think outside of the box. It's another venue to sell your work and get your name out. Go beyond the bookstores or Amazon, beyond the galleries, and who knows what might happen. After all, it's a way to find out. Right?

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