Thursday, August 21, 2008

Enjoy This Poem

I first published when I was 17-years-old with three poems, "The Horse," "The Leopard," and " Sands of Time." They had accepted by Hyacinths and Biscuits Poetry Magazine. I was excited--they had paid me for poems that had been easy to write--that came from my soul and heart. I published others since then, though for a whilethere i hadn't wrote any poetry or published poetry, until I wrote "Costumed Scare" and it won, taking third place in a poetry contest by Wild Child Publishing. Then Phaze Books accepted that poem and "Full Moon Lover" for a poetry anthology. Now I have two others, "My Nightmare Thing" and "Dream Darkly" that will be in the Twisted Twins Daily Chills Calendar coming out this December in brick and morter bookstores and online. So I guess the poet is still there inside the author. She just had been dormant for a while and needed a reason to poke her head out. Here is a poem I just 'dreamed' up and I am sharing with everyone Enjoy.
“Time Can Stand Still”


Pamela K. Kinney
Sparkling like glass caught by sunlight
Time begins clean at one’s birth
The glass gets dirty
As time ages,
Racing toward the tomb of ancient pain.

Busy, busy, busy
Never taking time to stop and rest
Get to know the finer things in life
Like a bird’s song or the soft fur of a cat in your lap,
Or a lover’s kiss, light and airy on your lips
Instead people today rush around with no goal in mind
Except the grasping need for money
Survival is the key
And all it does is age us,
Physically and mentally as well as the soul.

Next time you have the chance
Sit down on your front porch
Listen. Really listen.
Watch. Really watch.
Let the day whisper the truth.

You don’t need to run around crazy
A little time out won’t kill you
So get out there and take the time
Cup of tea or coffee in hand,
Relax, and get to know the real you.

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