Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Two Acceptances and More!

I got my article, "Don't Pet the Heads of Strange Black Dogs" for Withersin Magazine for either 2009 or 2010. And another submission of mine, "Pukwudies: Little Monsters of New England" to be included in Northern Haunts: 100 Terrifying New England Tales anthology! The book is stories in first person based on true myths and legends of New England. Northern Haunts: 100 Terrifying New England Tales available for preorders now at http://www.shroudmagazine.com/northern-haunts--100-terrifying-new-england-ta100.html and most of its sales will go to the Amercian Cancer Society.Also, my horror story, "Misery Loves Company" and the anthology it's was accepted for a year ago, World Outside My Window, looks like it finally will have a publisher.