Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Being a Jedi and Photo of My Book at Barnes and Noble

Saturday, November 23rd, I joined my husband, Bill, and we joined others from Freedom Base of the Rebel Legion and Garrison Tyranus of the 501st and dressed in our Star Wars costumes for Toys R Us' Toys for Tots campaign kick-off. From Noon to 2PM we walked around the store and took pictures with those who wanted a picture with us, mostly children. There were even children who came in dressed in Star Wars costumes. I wished I had my camera with me for when one tiny tot dressed as Yoda was there. He was so cute! I think the actual Yoda would be much bigger than this minute version.
I am sharing one picture I did get taken when we all went back to the warehouse part of the store to get out of costume. I am with Darth Vader, crossing lightsabers.
The other photo is of my book, Haunted Richmond, on a shelf at Barnes and Noble at Chesterfield Towne Center, facing out when the others in the case weren't. I guess that means the book is selling well for them to do so. How cool is that? I also had another book, Shifting Desires, in the romance section, that my novella, Beast Magic is in, written under my pseudonym, Sapphire Phelan. I took a photograph of that, to be posted on my sapphire Phelan blog.

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