Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Manuscript for New Schiffer Book Is In the Mail!

I am so happy! The manuscript (with photo inserts), captions for the photos, the 45 photos, and more are on CDs and on their way to Schiffer Publishing. That means it will be out next fall. The working title is Unique Legends, Myths, and True Tales of Virginia. For now, that's all it is, until approval by Schiffer. But I can celebrate tonight with a glass of something strong as I watch my new Blu Ray DVD of Wall*E.
Then tomorrow, I go back to work on a couple of other projects.But the Schiffer manuscript for the new book is done and sent off.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Congratulations on finally getting this done! I know it has been an awful lot of hard work!

    Sit back and breathe a big sigh of relief.
