Sunday, December 21, 2008

Today is Winter Solstice-Shortest Day of the Year

Today this is the Winter Solstice, also the shortest day of the year. In the link to the following article online, you can see that hundreds of druids, pagans, and tourists braved the gloomy weather this morning to gather at Stonehedge in England to celebrate the winter solstice.
Not being a winter person myself, still it is interesting to me how on two days each year is one for the shortest span the earth goes around the sun and the other for the longest day. Though in places like Alaska, they go into mostly days of darkness, and I am sure they can not wait for the shortest day to pass so that days will get longer and longer, bringing back more hours of light into their lives.
All this means to me, is that winter is officially here. A time to be indoors and read good books and good reason not to go out outside when the sun shines so I can do more writing.



  1. Pam,

    You didn't really blog about the winter solstice. You just made an entry about someone else's news article. To make your blogs really useful you should talk about what solstice means to you. It's not enough to just link to someone else's entries - you need to embrace and extend. Give us some useful tidbits about how solstice started and why some people still follow it. otherwise, your blogs are not much more than a condensed Google list.

  2. Hi Pam,
    I find the winter solstice fascinating. How can one not when for centuries such importance has been placed upon its occurrence? To me it conjures numerous story ideas, that which legends are built upon. Thanks for posting on this topic. I wish you a safe and wonderful holiday season!

    Diana Cosby
    His Captive/Alexander MacGruder
    His Woman/Duncan MacGruder - 4 star Romantic Times review!

  3. Happy Winter Solstice to you, Pamela.
    Ann Ambrosio

  4. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Happy winter solstice, Pamela.
    Ann Ambrosio

  5. Anonymous5:31 AM

    happy winter solstice, Pamela.
    Ann Ambrosio

  6. i agree with you about the early sunsets of mid-winter being great for reading (and writing). i enjoy the chance to slow down and take advantage of the indoor time.
    stay well-matthew killorin

  7. i agree that the early sunsets of mid-winter are a great time to get caught up on your reading (or writing). i look forward to slowing down a little at this time of year and spending more time inside. stay well!
