Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Paranormal Author Hans Holzer Passed Away, Ravencon Video and Twittering

I am doing two blogs today. The second one will be the review of Red Wolf Conspiracy, for which I received the arc couple weeks ago from Del Rey.

But first, some sad news. A true pioneer in the paranormal field passed away--Hans Holzer. My condolences and prayers go out to his family. I grew up reading all his paranormal books. If interested in reading his books, you can find them is on AMAZON
Then this past Saturday Richmond, com dropped by Ravencon and filmed us. The Star Wars Tuskan costume you see in it is me wearing it--my husband and I made that from scratch. Watch the video at
There will be more stuff, like Urge Magazine and even a reporter from Times-Dispatch, but for now, this is it.

And last but not least, I do twitter:

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