Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Updates-Ravencon, Earth Day and Jelly Bean Day

Okay, some things to talk about. First Ravencon is this weekend,a st the Crowne Plaza West Hotel on W. Broad Street in Richmond. This year, there will be some special events and panels to do with Edgar Allan Poe, this being his 200th birthday year. To find out more about the convention, go to
I’ll be on couple of Poe panels, plus another one, all on Friday.

Also, today is Earth Day. In my home, we’ve been recycling for a few years, plus trying to do more “GREEN” things here. Remember, sometimes going green can be economical. To find out what you can do:

And last, it is also Jelly Bean Day. Jelly beans date back to at least the 1860's and there were jelly beans sent to Union troops fighting in the Civil War. The original candy maker is unknown. So, jelly beans are not just for Easter. Celebrate them today and eat them!


  1. Thanks for the informative post, Pamela! I've been recycling and trying to do the right things for the earth for quite a while. I'm with my daughter and grandsons now, and she is going very "green" in her home. They do have some jelly beans they got for Easter. Maybe they will share some!

  2. Dont forget to mention Luna-C Productions will be presenting Potter Live in 45 Saturday night at Ravencon 2009. Potter Live in 45 is a warp-speed look at all of the Harry Potter books handled irreverently by the minds of Luna-C Productions. In a scant forty-five minutes (or more) the cast of Luna-C attempts hit the high points of all seven books. If you have only seen the movies and want to avoid spoilers a warning is given before they launch into the last two books. Catch them as they attempt to cover over three thousand four hundred and seven pages in Forty-five minutes, or roughly two pages a second!!!
