Sunday, May 31, 2009

Haunted Virginia's Cover on Book Cover Lovers and My Book Signing Launch Yesterday

First, the cover for Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales is up at Book Cover Lovers . Tomorrow it may be up on a poll for Best Book of May, so check back and do vote for it. You have all month to do that, until June 30, 2009.

Second, I had a very nice time at
Simple Pleasures Books & Gifts in Ashland, Virginia, for the book launch of Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales. People came and bought Haunted Virginia, even one person bought Haunted Richmond, Virginia.
The owners were the nicest people and we talked between customers coming in. It's a new independent bookstore in Richmond, not far from Virginia Center Commons. In the Northcross Center--same as Home Depot and CiCi's Pizza. Do go visit the store, more than books, it has luscious chocolate and neat gifts like candles. I got one as a thank you gift from them and it is one of those kind that has a wonderful odor and doesn't need to be lit to do so. More so, supoort it as it is one of other indie bookstores we have in town. Unlike the big bookstores, you get to meet the owners and it is oh so personal--like being home.
There were so many nice things in there. With books, of course. I'll be back there to do another signing on Halloween during the day.
Anyway, I am going to relax today. Even work on this poem that on suggestions do some edits as it may have a chance for this anthology was submitted to. Then go work in my veggie garden and enjoy the day. Take care!