Friday, July 17, 2009

Got An Article Coming in Withersin Magazine's July/August Issue

My article, 'Don't Pet the Heads of Strange Black Dogs," about the Black Dog myths, which will be in the July/August 2009 issue of Withersin Magazine coming out soon. order it at
And if you have it and I am at a convention or book signing near you, bring it and i will sign the article.
Here's on the issue:

TURPENTINE (volume 3/issue 1)

Features fiction from Ted Davis “The Clinic”, Michael Pignatella “Still Life, With Fries”, Colm McGeever “Words” and Jack Westlake “Conversion Completion”.

Razor wire artwork by Jeff Ward (cover), George Cotronis, Doug Draper and K. Sumek.

Non Fiction pieces from M. Awren Grey and K. Sumek, plus articles on “Where the Werewolves Were” by Tom Hamilton, Pamela Kinney tells us about strange black dogs, Michael Lohr interviews Robert Schoch, Larry Roberts’ “Oddments and Incongruities” article, turpentine uses, strange and scary tourist stops in North Carolina, the story of St. Rita of Cascia, understanding Ogham and more.

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