Sunday, July 05, 2009

Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens on Fourth of July

Not in order they were taken, but some of the photos I took at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden yesterday, July 4th. I got into the Conservatory to see Butterflies Live, where butterflies from South America are loose and flying about. I even caught a picture of one resting on one of the volunteers working there. I said that the insects were used to the workers, but wouldn't do that to the visitors as so many of us. One made me eat my words as it landed on my leg and people took pictures of it. Unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture of it myself.
The flowers were gorgeous and the place really cool. I had never been there and plant o go back in the Fall, with my husband as he had to work on call and couldn't go with me. Of course, it will cost to go next time. But the place is worth it. There;s the Conservatory, the Children's Garden, pathways through many gardens and so many plants, trees and flowers. Too bad it was such a hot, muggy day. But glad it did not rain, but held off, as it is doing today.
Enjoy the pictures. And check out the place yourself. Here is the link to the website: where you can get directions and the contact phone number, plus check out the place virtually.


  1. Wow.

    I gotta go there again.

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Thanks for coming to the Garden and taking all those wonderful photos! It looks like you had lots of fun.
    You might consider a membership if you plan to come back often -- the membership pays for itself in a couple visits -- and from what I can tell -- you are hooked!

    Also, keep in mind the Butterflies LIVE! exhibit closes on Oct. 11th -- so bring hubby back before then.

    p.s. my favorite photo is of our staff member Shane. I hope you got to meet him --he is a gem.
