Friday, September 18, 2009

Four Questions Friday

Today's Four Questions Friday will be about autumn since it will soon be that.Please leave your answers in the comment. Let others know about this so they too, can leave their answers. Thank you.

  1. What part of autumn do you like?
  2. If autumn isn’t your most favorite time of year, tell us which season is.
  3. Do you have a tradition of something you do every fall?
  4. Since both Halloween and Thanksgiving are holidays of autumn, which one is your favorite?


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Autumn is definitely my favorite time of year. I love the way the air smells and feels. We change our door wreath, dig out the fall recipes and celebrate the turning of the season. Of Halloween and Thanksgiving, Halloween is definitely my favorite. We have too many Halloween decorations!

  2. Autumn is not my favorite season. In fact I don't have a favorite season. What I really like are the four changes. It's one of the reasons we live at the top of the map. (The other is extremely good healthcare)

    We have routines for each season. In the fall its clean the house plants and move them inside, fertilize and seed the lawn, make sure the snow blower is ready, watch football games. re-caulk problem areas in the skylights over the hot tub.

    Thanksgiving is favored because of the food and family gathering.

  3. favourite part of Autumn - the smell of the falling leaves. I like Autumn and Sping best, Halloween is my favourite festival and I also celebrate the equinox.

  4. Anonymous10:00 AM

    What part of autumn do you like? I am especially fond of my Birthday.

    If autumn isn’t your most favorite time of year, tell us which season is. Autumn is my favorite time of year - summer is over, winter is not here and I get to wear a jacket if i want.

    Do you have a tradition of something you do every fall?
    I play put-put on my birthday.

    Since both Halloween and Thanksgiving are holidays of autumn, which one is your favorite?
    As a professional vampirologist and author of a few books on vampires, I have to go with Halloween. Just like Santa Claws I am very busy for one month of the year and then not so much, but at least it leaves me with lots of time to write.

    Theresa Bane, Vampirologist

  5. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Autumn is my favorite time of year. I like the cooler weather. I feel more energetic and also like the weather-appropriate clothing better. The colors of the changing leaves are also attractive.

    I don't know if we have any one big tradition, but I get out the fall decorations. Thanksgiving is okay, but we really enjoy Halloween. We always decorate, play spooky music, give out candy to the kids, and usually dress up. (I have a couple of Halloween tee-shirts for a more casual approach, and we do costumes.) There's always a Halloween party to look forward to as well.

  6. I especially love the smell of the air in fall: the crispness of it. (I live in the Rocky Mountains.)

    The two fall holidays rank as my least and most favorite. I've never liked Halloween, even as a kid and in spite of all the free candy. I'm not one to enjoy being frightened... Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday - a time to be thankful for friends, family, and all the wonderful things in life. I celebrate this holiday two days in a row: on Wednesday, with an open-house beginning at 1pm -- offering homemade food (beverages are not homemade, but are plentiful) -- sharing time with friends and offering them an opportunity to eat without having to cook; then on Thursday, with my family.
