Monday, September 07, 2009

Visiting Haunted Crawford Rd. Bridge i n York County

Yesterday, on way to a party in Virginia Beach, my husband and I stopped in York County at the reputedly haunted Crawford Road Bridge, for my new nonfition ghost book I am working on right now. I took plenty of pictures, front of it, back , and even while standing inside. This was Sunday morning of September 6th. I hope to come back at night, take few more pictures.

The road is a lot of woods on each side and a calm country one. The kind you like to drive down. Hardly any other vehicles.

As for the bridge, it looked like the one picture I got of it from off the Internet. Lots of graffiti all over it, on the outside and inside, on the walls. There were KKK and Nazi symbols, along with the normal graffiti you would see. There were a couple of creepy words on the back side, up at the top. Looked like someone wanted to write witch and below it, the word, dark. As for the hauntings? Good question.
I felt something while there. I did use my recorder. if got any evps, it will be in my book, so I can not mention them here. Nothing out of the ordinary in ay of my pictures. Maybe when do the night time version, I will get some then. We shall see.

On the ghostly legends about this bridge (this is from my book, Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales)

"There’s a bridge on a section of road where Tour Road crosses over Crawford Road that at night weird things happen. The legend bandied about it is that African-Americans were hung from it.

They say that an African-American woman in a white dress is seen standing on the bridge at the edge and then falls from it to dissipate just before hitting the pavement.

But the strangest stories that are told about this area that vehicles seem to stop running as they approach the bridge. Then the same vehicles start up again when they are pushed past the “haunted” spot. Not all cars need to be pushed though. Some say that their car shifts into neutral and will roll uphill some distance. Afterwards, they would check out their cars later and find hand prints all over it."

I know that the story of vehicles put in neutral and suddenly will roll forward, with even hand prints on the paint afterwards, is in many other such legends all over the world.I have another such story about a witch in the witch chapter of Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales, set in another part of Virginia. Fellow author and good friend, Theresa Bane has another tale like mine in her ghost book, Haunted Historic Greensboro. And I am sure there are many others in other books or that people heard of.
If you know of one where you live, do share about in in the comments, so others can read about them. And do tell us where this place is.


  1. Hi I am a fan and always meet you at con's

    I have always had a ghost experience one time or the other and one time I went to crawford bridge during the day with my husband and a friend just to look.. The bridge it's self I got no feeling or whatever from it but the forest was just filled with activity which is probually due to the hauntings around the bridge.. and you mentioning african americans totally confirms my feelings... Someone had told me a white women had did it but when standing on the bridge I had said no i think it was a black women. And then the car thing My husbands electronic buttons hadnt worked in a year! And we parked outside the bridge and he was showing his freind that it was broke when all of a sudden after a year it worked again. It was freaky to say the least..

    :D if I have any more weird experiences I will tell you I love your books cant wait for the next one I will buy it!

  2. Reminds me of the Bunnyman Bridge in Clifton, VA. If you're ever out in the Mobjack Bay area, you should check out the lighthouse in Newpoint. It's pretty amazingly creepy and I had some weird things happen there as a kid. You can check my March 27th entry about the lighthouse if you want to know more. I hope if you get to the Fairfax area, you can check on my childhood home, Aspen Grove. It's a 250-year-old place that was taken over by the Union soldiers and used as a field hospital, then wrestled back by the Confederates and used for the same...opposing sides both dying there. The place was at one time rated one of the most haunted houses in America. It's one of those under the radar places. It was, however, showcased on "If Walls Could Talk" and their Medical Mysteries episode. Virginia is so haunted, you'll probably keep yourself extremely busy! Good luck!

  3. Autumnforest, I have been to the Bunnyman Bridge--its in my current book, Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales--even got an orb (well, four photos, with it changing shapes in each one). Do you still live in your childhood home? Hoping to get a signing up your way--so far, haven't heard back from the Borders in Fredericksburg.
    Ashley, if you're at Monster Fest at the Chesapeake Central Library October 10th talk to me more about your experiences at the bridge--like to add it to my book.

  4. Hey, Pam,

    We met at the JRW's social last night and told you I'd say, "Hi."

    C. Patrick Schulze
    Author of "Born to be Brothers"

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Hi, I lived in Newport News for a couple of years before I moved back to Southampton County. My boyfriend and I have "investigated" Crawford Road, aka Crybaby Bridge, a few times and have even taken a photograph which we later noticed a smokey figure of what looked to be a woman in a long dress. We have also noticed headlights from a 1957 Chevy police car (as the road was used for drag racing and even had a pay phone for those to make phone calls for help) that would disipate. There are so many legends and from what my boyfriend and I have found to be truths out on that road.

  6. Rebecca, if you like your boyfriend's and your story to be in my new book, use my email link on my website at to contact me.
    Ans yes, I have been back there at night and had an experience and got pictures of orbs, plus a voice. Anyone else, same thing. Use the email link on the first page of my website to contact me. The book is due in by may 2010.

  7. Anonymous7:18 AM

    thanks for this tips
