Friday, November 20, 2009


It's that time of the week. No, Thanksgiving is a few more days. I'm talking about Four Questions Friday. Get ready to answer the questions by leaving your answers in the comments.

1. For Americans: Do you enjoy Thanksgiving? Other Countries: Does your country celebrate a Thanksgiving?

2. When you hear the word turkey what do you think of?

3. Do you like stuffing?

4. What is your favorite dessert?


  1. 1. I love Thanksgiving. I don't celebrate most of the commonly celebrated religious holidays, so Tgvg is one I can really get into.

    2. YUM. *LOL* Actually, I remember one year when my grandmother was still alive and she was carving the turkey, she cut herself and didn't realize it, then complained that the turkey wasn't done and was still bloody. *LOL* Needless to say, we didn't eat that one.

    3. I admit it. I make the best stuffing. *LOL*

    4. Thanksgiving is not Thanksgiving without pie. I usually sample several different kinds.

    Damn, now I'm hungry for Thanksgiving food...

    Carpe Noctem,

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    1. For Americans: Do you enjoy Thanksgiving?

    Since I don't have to cook a big Thanksgiving dinner any more, yes!

    2. When you hear the word turkey what do you think of?

    gobble, gobble

    3. Do you like stuffing?

    Love it!

    4. What is your favorite dessert?

    For Thanksgiving, pumpkin pie. Other times, probably ice cream or cake. (But flan in Mexican restaurants.)

