Thursday, November 26, 2009


It's Four Questions Friday. This was put up on Thursday as I will be out on Black Friday Christmas shopping. I wanted to get them out. Please leave your answers in the comments for others to read.

1. When you think of Black Friday, what do you think of?

2. Are you going to do your Christmas shopping by online or in actual stores?

3. Are you planning to give books for gifts?

4. What book do you want most for Christmas and why?


  1. Anonymous3:15 AM

    1. When you think of Black Friday, what do you think of?- Crazy people killing themselves to get a deal.

    2. Are you going to do your Christmas shopping by online or in actual stores?- I did both, but more online.

    3. Are you planning to give books for gifts?-YES!

    4. What book do you want most for Christmas and why? - Hush Hush By Becca Fitzpatrick,

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    1. When you think of Black Friday, what do you think of?

    "The horror! The horror!" Well, the crawds and the madness. I can do without both.

    2. Are you going to do your Christmas shopping by online or in actual stores?

    Most likely a combination but mostly on-line.

    3. Are you planning to give books for gifts?

    Usually do, and I've definitely got at least one in mind.

    4. What book do you want most for Christmas and why?

    The Natural History of the Unicorn. Sounds like an interesting topic.


  3. 1. Black Friday usually makes me think of the Day After Christmas Sales, when the deals are better because retailers are trying to shed inventory. In my experience, Black Friday is more about hype than bargains.

    2. Probably in actual stores. I'll be doing a lot of shopping in the two weeks before Christmas and I hate to pay for shipping.

    3. I might give one to my niece. Most of the rest of my family isn't really into reading, except for my mother, and she'll admit she's probably got everything she wants in that department.

    4. Natural Law by Joey Hill. There was a lot of talk about it at the Romanticon, and I'm really curious about it.

  4. 1. I work retail so Black Friday to me is long lines of irritable women who are out shopping to early in the morning without enough sleep to get a deal that is only a few dollars less than the sale price we will probably run cheaper in the week. So crazy. I say stay home. Retail has ruined the Christmas season for me to the point where I don't do much decorating or shopping to my own family. So sad.

    2. I do the little shopping I do in person. We only buy for the kids in our family now.

    3. I love books and if I give they will be for the kids. Most of the adults in our family don't enjoy reading. (Sad again, because you learn so much)

    4.As for me. Ghost Hunting/Haunted where ever books are high on my list. Next would be books on the Civil War,
