Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Weird Wednesday

The first Weird Wednesday picture of November 2009 is an unusual house like out of a nursery rhyme. Now where is the widow with all those children?


  1. I love the creative mind that made this house and lives in it! Nothing more depressing than those hillsides filled with houses made of someone in a Levitt house community can attest, I like unique and individual!

    Pictures like this tweak the mind and keep it thinking interesting thoughts!

    Thank you for sharing, Pamela

  2. What a cute idea! Wouldn't you love to tour the inside and see how they laid things out?

  3. I love seeing all those extreme and whacky homes people live in. This one is pretty cool.

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    As neat as it would be to live in a house that looked nothing like a house, I can't help but wonder how much closet space you'd have to give up to live in a giant shoe.

    QtR - Theresa Bane

  5. That's awesome. I also love unique things. I bet this ends up being a museum someday.
