Friday, December 04, 2009


Four Questions Friday is here! Time to answer the questions.
1. They're threatening snow here in Virginia: do you like snow?

2. Would you like to see snow for Christmas?

3. Have you ever made a snowman?

4. Your most favorite thing to do with snow is_________?


  1. Four Questions Friday is here! Time to answer the questions.
    1. They're threatening snow here in Virginia: do you like snow?

    Not really. I'm not a very sure footed creature and I live on the side of a hill. The snow is ok, but the slush and ice are a nightmare.

    2. Would you like to see snow for Christmas?

    I can cope with that, I will not have to go out on Christmas Day.

    3. Have you ever made a snowman?

    I usually do. Snow if a fun medium to work in. Last year I made a whole flock of snow crows.

    4. Your most favorite thing to do with snow is_________?

    I like making things out of it, otherwise, it is nice to look at through the window.

  2. Kathy B.3:34 PM

    1. Yes!! I love snow!! I just don't want to get out into it!

    2. Of course!! I'd love to actually have a 'Whitte Christmas" at least once!

    3. Yes I have though it looked a little like a chyrnobol snowman!

    4. My most favorite thing is making 'Snow Cream" from the first snowfall. It's something my Dad introduced to us the first Snowfall we had after moving to AR. You get a clean bowl, set it outside on a flat surface.(we use the top of a car). Bring in the full bowl, mix in sugar, vanilla extract, and half and half cream. stir and fill up galsses with a wonderful treat!!

  3. Anonymous8:17 PM

    1.I love when it snows, but not to drive in slippery weather. And a little bit goes a long way. I don't want it to last too long.
    2.I would like to see snow for Christmas, especially.
    3.I grew up in Saratoga county, New York. I made many snowmen.
    4. My favorite thing to do is throw snowballs. Used to like to sleigh ride and try to ski.

  4. 1. Only if I don't have to go out at all and the electricity stays on.

    2. Only a very light dusting that doesn't affect the roads; otherwise, no. I am scared to death of driving in snow and-or ice. We have to take our kids out to dinner Christmas Eve, then go to late church, and some of the kids have to be able to get to our house on Christmas Day. I don't want any weather to interfere. Luckily, we hardly ever get real snow here -- Maryland -- until January. (Except today -- the weather is all messed up, very abnormal.)

    3. Yes, in childhood. We grew up in Norfolk, where a lot of snow at once is rare.

    4. Stay inside and look at it through the window.

  5. 1. I like snow as long as I don't have to drive in it.
    2. Having snow for Christmas would be really rare here in Hampton Roads so yes, bring it on.
    3. Yes I have made snowmen. Once many years ago when I was a young bride we got a big snow storm. I made a snowman and weeks later it was still in the yard. Not thinking that it was frozen solid I said to my (ex) husband "I am so sick of winter" With that I gave the snowman a kick, I hurt my foot and had to keep it wrapped in an ace bandage for a couple of days. Needless to say I never did that again.
    4. My favorite thing to do with snow is scoop it up when it is freshly fallen. Take a glass and fill it full of the another bowl take a can of milk
    (the kind you buy for cooking and baking) add sugar and vanilla flavoring to taste. Still well and pour this over the snow, Stir it up and drink it milkshake style
