Friday, December 18, 2009

Four Questions Friday

Four Questions Friday is here. Time to answer the questions all about this time of year. And next Friday, there will be no Four Questions Friday, due to it being Christmas.

1. What was your most favorite Christmas memory?

2. What traditions do you follow? (Christmas, Pagan, Hanakkuh, Kwanza)

3. Do you think Christmas is too commercialized?

4. Who or what is your favorite Christmas character?


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Four Questions Friday is here. Time to answer the questions all about this time of year. And next Friday, there will be no Four Questions Friday, due to it being Christmas.

    1. What was your most favorite Christmas memory?---Playing Violin with my dad.

    2. What traditions do you follow? (Christmas, Pagan, Hanakkuh, Kwanza)---Pagan

    3. Do you think Christmas is too commercialized?--- Alittle bit

    4. Who or what is your favorite Christmas character?---?
    ~Sarah Ham~

  2. 1. What was your most favorite Christmas memory? My dad returning on Christmas morning after being away for two months on business.

    2. What traditions do you follow? (Christmas, Pagan, Hanakkuh, Kwanza) Christmas - always putting our tree up and decorating the day after Thanksgiving while my family is still visiting.

    3. Do you think Christmas is too commercialized? Definitely! Especially with radio stations playing Christmas music and stores decorated in October.

    4. Who or what is your favorite Christmas character? Definitely Burl Ives as the lovable, singing Snowman.

    Stories that touch the soul...
    Champagne Books, February 2010

  3. Peg Stotts1:36 PM

    Four Questions Friday is here. Time to answer the questions all about this time of year. And next Friday, there will be no Four Questions Friday, due to it being Christmas.

    1. What was your most favorite Christmas memory? Decorating the tree for Santa.

    2. What traditions do you follow? (Christmas, Pagan, Hanakkuh, Kwanza) Christmas.

    3. Do you think Christmas is too commercialized? Yes.

    4. Who or what is your favorite Christmas character? Charlie Brown.

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    My favorite Christmas memory? I don't know since every Christmas is precious to me.

    What tradition do you follow? Christmas.

    Do I think Christmas is too commercialized? Yes, but I love it anyway. I don't think we should give in to the folks who would like us to forget about it.

    Who is my favorite Christmas character? Santa Claus of course. Next I love all the characters that play on t.v. year after year and I hope they never go away nor do I want to see them changed. Rudolph, Frosty,any others. Just lets enjoy it!

  5. 1: Waiting for santa (played by either grandpa, or uncles Merlin or Terry)at my paternal grandparents house Christmas eve.

    2: Christmas.

    3: Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4: Luke 2: ... 7-11! (I love it when Linus recites his version in Its Christmas Charlie Brown!!!!)

  6. What was your most favorite Christmas memory? The first year I was back home after a ten year stint living away from home sweet Minnesota.

    2. What traditions do you follow? (Christmas, Pagan, Hanakkuh, Kwanza) Merry Christmas

    3. Do you think Christmas is too commercialized? Only if you let it commercialize you.

    4. Who or what is your favorite Christmas character? Santa

  7. 1. What was your most favorite Christmas memory?

    The Dursley Christmas Eve tradition. I really miss that.

    2. What traditions do you follow? (Christmas, Pagan, Hanakkuh, Kwanza)
    Pagan - I celebrate the solstice.

    3. Do you think Christmas is too commercialized?
    Yes. I try to make things rather than buying them.

    4. Who or what is your favorite Christmas character?
    I'm with Scrooge. Bah humbug!

  8. Hi Pam: I think I finally figured this out.
    1) Grandma's Christmas dinners.
    3)Entirely too much so.
    4)Santa Claus
