Friday, January 01, 2010


It is Four Questions Friday today along with being the first day of a new year: 2010. So the questions will be about the new year. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. Do you think 2010 will be a better or worse year than 2009?

2. What are your goals for this new year?

3. What does 2010 makes you think of?

4. With the new film, 2012 talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, what are your thoughts on there being only two years left to that date?


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    1. Do you think 2010 will be a better or worse year than 2009?-
    Better I hope!

    2. What are your goals for this new year?-Be a better friend.

    3. What does 2010 makes you think of?-Want to travel to some place new.

    4. With the new film, 2012 talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, what are your thoughts on there being only two years left to that date?-I'll belive it when I see it.
    ~Sarah Ham~

  2. 1. Do you think 2010 will be a better or worse year than 2009?

    Goddess, I hope so!! =) But then every new day gives us a chance for new beginnings and adventures. We shouldn't only celebrate new beginnings on "holidays," they are open to us every day, every minute if we remain aware.

    2. What are your goals for this new year?

    To live life to the fullest, to be thankful for my blessings, to help others, to dream big and to strive hard to fulfill such dreams. To continue to learn and to always enjoy the wonder of discovery.

    3. What does 2010 makes you think of?

    That I've been blessed to see the coming of another decade =)

    4. With the new film, 2012 talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, what are your thoughts on there being only two years left to that date?

    2012 is just a date. I believe a change of consciousness will come and not necessarily the end of the world. Since we can't possibly know the time of our passing, there's no need to fret about it!! =)

  3. Casts a Shadow11:18 AM

    1. Do you think 2010 will be a better or worse year than 2009?-
    At the very least the economy has to get better, doesn't it?

    2. What are your goals for this new year?-
    Finish writing my first book.

    3. What does 2010 makes you think of?
    New beginnings, new direction.

    4. With the new film, 2012 talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, what are your thoughts on there being only two years left to that date?-
    My last calendar ended on December 31, 2009, and yet the world did not end. Ask some Mayans and they will tell you it is an end to their calendar, not an end of the world. A new Age, at best.

  4. Do you think 2010 will be a better or worse year than 2009?- 2009 was really good, but yeah, I hope 2010 is better.

    2. What are your goals for this new year?- Travel more, find an agent, get better as a writer

    3. What does 2010 makes you think of?-It still sounds so futuristic to me. I can't believe we're 10 years into the 21st century

    4. With the new film, 2012 talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, what are your thoughts on there being only two years left to that date? - I can't count the number of 'end of the world' dramas I've lived through. Each one is more ridiculous than the last. I think I'll stick to reality, thanks. LOL.

  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    1. Do you think 2010 will be a better or worse year than 2009?
    It will be exactly what I make of it.

    2. What are your goals for this new year?
    Write three books start to finish this year.

    3. What does 2010 makes you think of?
    Nothing especially.

    4. With the new film, 2012 talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, what are your thoughts on there being only two years left to that date?
    The Mayan calendar is a circle. I think it is very foolish to believe that after it runs out the world is doomed. Ye gods and little fishes, some people are so desperate to fill the holes in their life that they'll buy into anything. The movie was an atrocious bit of dribble I walked out of.

    Theresa Bane

  6. 1) I sure hope it's a better year than 2009 was !!!!

    2)Goals ? A year of healthy survival for both of us.

    3) Another year of trying to pay the bills.

    4) Like Sarah Ham said: " I'll believe it when I see it. "

  7. Anonymous8:57 PM

    1.I don't know if 2010 will be better or worse, but I'll continue to try to make it all right.
    2. My goals for 2010 as far as writing goes is to finish the story I'm editing then work on several others that I've started. As far as family and friends, do what I can to make life worthwhile. Do some volunteering at the health clinic.
    3. 2010 makes me think that time goes too fast.

    4. I took a course in Astrology once, but by no means am an astrologer and only know so much, but have looked at the ephemeris and I can't find what indicates the end of the world. For me, I know finances are constantly a problem, but I'm used to that since it's been like that since I was born.

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  9. Anonymous11:32 PM

    nice post. thanks.
