Friday, January 08, 2010


Today is Four Questions Friday. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. Have you ever had a paranormal occurance?

2. If not you, do you know of a friend or relative who experienced a haunting?

3. I found cold or not, I still get evps and photos, so the ghosts don't mind the freezing cold. Have you ever seen a ghost during the winter?

4. Of anything paranormal, what was your most chilling episode?


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Today is Four Questions Friday. Leave your answers in the comments.

    1. Have you ever had a paranormal occurance?-I think I have

    2. If not you, do you know of a friend or relative who experienced a haunting?-Yes

    3. I found cold or not, I still get evps and photos, so the ghosts don't mind the freezing cold. Have you ever seen a ghost during the winter?-Maybe

    4. Of anything paranormal, what was your most chilling episode?-Seeing my dad back alive but he wasn't.
    ~Sarah Ham~

  2. 1. I haven't but my daughter and her friend have. They were having a sleep over at our house a few yrs back and they saw a light on the ceiling going around the room. Then the light came down into the room and hovered over one of the chairs. They were scared and covered their heads. lol
    2. I have had several friend and family experience paranormal activity. One instance(don't really think it was a haunting though) my sister in law has an old rocking chair of her great aunts' that she was close to. Every once in while she would hear it rocking. Never saw it, but she could hear it.
    3. Only thing I have seen are orbs in photographs. We got alot in our Christmas pictures one year.
    4. Wasn't really frightening but when I was a little girl, I just happen to wake up and when I opened my eyes it looked like someone was right there in my face but they backed away quickly when I opened my eyes. It was just a black shape but it made me think of a woman. I didn't feel any real fear of it. Later I told my mom about it and she said that maybe it was my great grandma checking on me.

  3. Yes, Often;
    Yes, Several;
    Yes, "hearing" that a client had been badly abused as a child about ten minutes before she told me (I work with reiki).

  4. Anonymous4:21 PM

    1. I believe I've had paranormal experiences, but not certain.
    2. I believe I know of a couple people who had experiences. They were reluctant to talk about it. One, howver, told me about her near death experience, very clearly.
    3. I have never thought about whether it was warm or cold when I had the experience.
    4. What was the most chilling? I suppose when I was working in a nursing home and a nurses aid was sitting in the hallway, a mirror behind her. I thought something whitish went in front of the mirror and told her and she got pale and moved her chair out of the area. I didn't think of it as a ghost at the time, but she did.

  5. 1. Have you ever had a paranormal occurance?

    Numerous! I've blogged about some here -

    2. If not you, do you know of a friend or relative who experienced a haunting?

    The women in my family tend to see things, Gran had a few encounters with ghosts.

    3. I found cold or not, I still get evps and photos, so the ghosts don't mind the freezing cold. Have you ever seen a ghost during the winter?

    I don't tend to see. I hear, and smell! And time of year has not seemed to be an issue.

    4. Of anything paranormal, what was your most chilling episode?

    When a spirit that had been imposing on me told me she had been burned - I was using automatic writing to try and vent what was happening, and covered a page in the word 'burned' until I was almost hysterical. Terrifying experience.
