Friday, January 22, 2010


Four Questions Friday asks about reading habits during the winter. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. Do you think you read more in the winter than any other time of the year?

2. What books do you like to read more at this time of the year?

3. What time of the day do you read in the winter?

4. Name a book you read in January that you think others should too?


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    1. Do you think you read more in the winter than any other time of the year?-About the same if not more.

    2. What books do you like to read more at this time of the year?-Horror

    3. What time of the day do you read in the winter?-Anytime I feel like it LOL!

    4. Name a book you read in January that you think others should too?- "The 13th" By John Everson
    ~Sarah Ham~

  2. Four Questions Friday asks about reading habits during the winter. Leave your answers in the comments.

    1. Do you think you read more in the winter than any other time of the year?

    Slightly more, there being less scope for being outside and more need for huddling in duvet.

    2. What books do you like to read more at this time of the year?

    I don't think I have any seasonal reading habbits.

    3. What time of the day do you read in the winter?

    In bed at night, and sometimes first thing with my coffee, or if I'm waiting for the computer to do something.

    4. Name a book you read in January that you think others should too?

    The Immortal Fire anthology from! I got my paper copy today and it looks fab!

  3. Jaime Davies8:50 AM

    1. Do you think you read more in the winter than any other time of the year? A little more than usual.

    2. What books do you like to read more at this time of the year? Paranormal

    3. What time of the day do you read in the winter? Late at night.

    4. Name a book you read in January that you think others should too? A Vampire's Claim by Joey W. Hill

  4. 1. More in the winter, but only because I'm not always running with the kids in winter. They are in school for a large portion of it. With large portions of the day free, I can do more writing and reading in winter.

    2. My reading tastes don't change. Appealing is appealing, no matter the time of year.

    3. Usually at lunch break from writing and again in the evening. That's assuming I am not on a deadline and therefore don't have time to read.

    4. The newest Celta book by Robin Owens...Heart Change.

  5. Do you think you read more in the winter than any other time of the year?

    Maybe. I sure have a huge pile waiting for me now.

    2. What books do you like to read more at this time of the year?

    Garden catalogs, lol. Otherwise I read my favorite authors and look for new ones year round.

    3. What time of the day do you read in the winter?

    Early morning or evening, and usually at lunch.

    4. Name a book you read in January that you think others should too?

    Fast Forward by Robert J. Sawyer and Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie, both were just great.

  6. 1) The same

    2) No particular choice

    3) Any time I can !!!! LOL

    4) No particular choice

  7. Anonymous8:22 AM

    1. I'm actually more likely to go out in the winter than in the summer, so, no.

    2. I'm slightly more likely to read ghost stories or high fantasy in the winter and definitely more likely to read holiday-themed anthologies (like Murder for Christmas).

    3. I generally read during my lunch break, but that's year round.

    4. I don't know aboutshould read, but currently I'm enjoying The Inn at the Edge of the World by Alice Thomas Elis. It's about a small group of people "escaping Christmas" at an inn on an island off Scotland. Possibly also a mild ghost story. (I'm only about half-way through.)

