Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Shevacon 2010

Shevacon happened last weekend, February 25th through 27th in Roanoke, Virginia. I was there as a writer guest. My husband came with me and did mainly, 501st and Stargate activities, bringing his trooper armor and his Stargate SG-1 uniform he wears as Jack O'Neil. As you can see by the photos above, it was a fun weekend. I did a total of maybe 5 panels, plus shared a reading with Fantasy Author Gail Martin. There was a 501st party Saturday night, plus a remembrance to Blair Grimm, who had passed away Christmas Eve.
The dragon above is a cake, with actual working wings, Author Gail Martin (http://www.chroniclesofthenecromancer.com ) is standing next to my husband in his Stargate costume, those are my two Build-A-Bear bear in costume with me in my jedi costume, my husband in his trooper armor and Vader Bear with Darth Vader. Do enjoy the pictures and next year, check out the convention. Their website is Shevacon


  1. looks like fun...I bet you had a great time!

  2. Hope your Con was exceptional !!
    Certainly looks like a MAJOR fun
    time. :)
