Thursday, April 08, 2010

Four Questions Friday

Since I will be at a science fiction/fantasy/horror convention, Ravencon this weekend, I will be asking about these genres.

1. Which of these three genres--science fiction, fantasy and horror--do you read the most?

2. Which of the three do you watch the most in movies or television?

3. If you don't like any of the three, what genre do you read or watch?

4. Name a favorite book from one of these three genres. Name a favorite film. A favorite TV show.


  1. Anonymous3:36 PM

    1. Which of these three genres--science fiction, fantasy and horror--do you read the most?-Horror

    2. Which of the three do you watch the most in movies or television?-Horror

    3. If you don't like any of the three, what genre do you read or watch?

    4. Name a favorite book from one of these three genres. Name a favorite film. A favorite TV show.
    Book-"IT" By Stephen King
    TV-The Hitchcock Hour
    ~Sarah Ham~

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    1. Fantasy

    2. Science Fiction

    3. blank

    4. The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan and continued by Brandon Sanderson.
    True Blood.

    Walter Hedges

  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    1. Fantasy

    2. Science Fiction

    3. blank

    4. The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and continued by Brandon Sanderson.
    True Blood.

    Walter Hedges

  4. . Which of these three genres--science fiction, fantasy and horror--do you read the most? Science Fiction

    2. Which of the three do you watch the most in movies or television? Science Fiction, although horror is a close second

    4. Name a favorite book from one of these three genres. Name a favorite film. A favorite TV show.

    The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein
    Dawn of the Dead (original)
