Friday, April 16, 2010


Today it is all about humor and horror.

1. Do you think humor and horror can be mixed well?

2. Name a funny horror movie or book you last saw or read.

3. What kind of humorous paranormal storyline would you like to see?

4. Should there be humor in horror?


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Today it is all about humor and horror.

    1. Do you think humor and horror can be mixed well?--YES

    2. Name a funny horror movie or book youm last saw or read.--?

    3. What kind of humorous paranormal storyline would you like to see?--A witch whom takes over the world & then kicks out certain people.

    4. Should there be humor in horror?-Sure why not ;-)
    ~Sarah Ham~

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    1. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, Dracula: Dead and Loving It, and many other wonderful examples of horror comedies in the cinema come to mind.

    2. I viewed Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th again recently.

    3. I want to see The Ghsot Busters (1975 TV show starring Larry Storch, Forrest Tucker and Bob Burns, from Filmation) remade by someone who has a clue, respects the original and gives Larry and Bob a role.

    4. There has been humor in horror ever since the first scary tales were told around a campfire.

    -- Debbie Painter

  3. Do you think humor and horror can be mixed well?
    Yes, absolutely. It just takes the right touch.

    Name a funny horror movie or book youm last saw or read.
    Hmmm- I think Charlaine Harris does it well. She gives Sookie a way of looking at the ridiculous situations she gets sucked into that gives you a chuckle. There's also this book my daughter was reading... " Bite Me". Sorry I can't remember the author- and she was laughing as she was reading it.

    What kind of humorous paranormal storyline would you like to see?
    Hmmm- drawing a blank on that one. But Sara's idea has definite promise!

    Should there be humor in horror?
    It think there can- but only if it's done well. Otherwise it comes off really awful.

  4. 1) Yes

    2)Abbott and Costello Meet The Mummy.

    3)A warlock possessed by an evil entity is returned to his normal self by means of humour.

    4) As Sarah says, " Why not ? ". It can either reduce the horror to managable levels or increase it to
    unbelievable proportions.
