Friday, May 21, 2010

Four Questions Friday

Today the questions asks about your Memorial Day plans for next weekend.

1. What are you planning to do Memorial Day weekend?

2. Will you be using the pool that weekend, or head to the beach?

3. Will you go camping?

4. Or will you just stay home and veg out, or have to work all weekend?


  1. Being Canadians, we don't have the Memorial Day holiday.
    This weekend is the May 24th holiday for us; You know, 24th of May, the Queen's birthday, if you
    don't give us a holiday we'll all run away. ( Yeah, RIGHT !! )
    Hope your holiday weekend is a fabulous success.

  2. I'm going to a huge cook-out at my parents' home. No pool, no parks, but plenty of work to get ready for the event.

    I hope you have an enjoyable holiday.
