Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

My father was someone who took me fishing, let me help him in the vegetable garden, and told me tales. I was close to him and when he passed away due to a heart attack in November 1974, I was devastated. It took me a while, until winter 1975, before I realized he was in a better place, free of the pain he suffered through. That he was still with me and that death couldn't separate us.

Today, thirty-six years later, I give myself a few minutes to remember him. He wasn't perfect, but still, he was my Dad. Someone who marked my life to where I am today. I like to think he is watching from Heaven with pride that I am a published author, that I got to act in some movies and on stage. But most of all, that he keeps an eye on me. Just like a father would do.

Father's Day was set aside in 1910, thanks to Sonora Smart Dodd, because she wanted to clebrate what her father had done for her. And it wasn't until 1966, when President Lyndon B. Johnson made the third Sunday of June Father's Daythe static date we know today.

My thought is that though there are special days set aside for fathers and mothers, that you should honor them all the other 363 days of the year. Love has no boundaries or set dates.

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