Friday, June 11, 2010


Since I had a guest blogger this week, talking about dreams and more, here are four questions asking about dreams.

1. Do you believe dreams can be psychic intuitions or just dreams, nothing more?

2. Have you ever read a book on interpreting dreams ever in your life?

3. What was your most scariest nightmare?

4. What dream led you to do something in your waking life you never thought you have done if you haven't dreamt it?


  1. Anonymous6:57 AM

    1. Do you believe dreams can be psychic intuitions or just dreams, nothing more?--Yes I think they can be psychic intuitions.

    2. Have you ever read a book on interpreting dreams ever in your life?--Yes a few

    3. What was your most scariest nightmare?--Being killed

    4. What dream led you to do sometnhing in your waking life you never thought you have done if you haven't dreamt it?-?
    ~Sarah Ham~

  2. 1. They have been for me, so why not for others? I don't think ALL dreams are psychic, but they can be.

    2. A couple of them.

    3. One of my kids being abducted while we were out somewhere. Oh, and falling ranks up there for me.

    4. Writing books? Does that count?


  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    1. I think dreams can be intuitive. Some people even use lucid dreaming to solve problems. Of course, some dreams are just nonsense!

    2. never read one cover to cover but have certainly looked into books on dream interpretation--and have read articles.

    3. Worst nightmare ever was in my teens. It doesn't sound that scary, but I woke up shaking and could not go back to sleep. (Fortunately it was about an hour before I would have gotten up anyway.) It took place in my house, though complete strangers "starred" in the dream. They were trying to keep an abominable snowman creature from getting in and doing them harm. (It was hostile in the dream.) Told you it doesn't sound that scary, but it sure wiggedf me out.

    4. Umm, mostly I have mundane dreams about stuff I already do, so nothing really.

