Friday, July 23, 2010

Four Questions Friday

It's back! Four Questions Friday asks about Comic-con!

1. Do you know what Comic-con is all about?

2. Do you wish you were there for the convention?

3. Where is it held?

4. What news do you think will be announced there that you are anticipating about?


  1. 1. Do you know what Comic-con is all about?

    Yep. My sort of crowd.

    2. Do you wish you were there for the convention?

    Yes. It's on my wish list of conventions for when I have money. Sigh... It's been there for a while, along with Dragon*Con and K*Con.

    3. Where is it held?

    There's more than one location, as I understand it. Or it moves around. I know the current one is in San Diego, but friends went to an east coast one...two years ago, I think.

    4. What news do you think will be announced there that you are anticipating about?

    Avatar: The Last Airbender spin-off with Aang's daughter.

    I want them to do an animated movie that follows Iro from his escape from prison (I WANT TO SEE THAT) to reconnecting with the others before the final battle of the series.

    Of course, I also want to see a decent live-action made...maybe by Christopher Nolan or Peter Jackson.

  2. Brenna, Comic-con, or San Diego Comic-con as it used to be called when I lived in San Diego, was always in San Diego.
    Cynthia, yes, it is one of the best cons around. Some day I will return to it. Got friends and relatives still in S. D., plus like to see the changes to the town since I left in '85.
