Friday, July 30, 2010

Four Questions Friday

Four Questions Friday with some silly questions.

1. If a tree falls in the woods with no one there, does anyone know, or even care?

2. If Superman didn't wear his cape, could he still fly?

3. If you were fed grilled shark, is that revenge for all the people sharks bite?

4. What is the silliest question you like to ask?


  1. Q1. If a tree falls in the woods the with no one there, does anyone know or even care?

    Here's a few answers: 1. I'm sure the worm, that ALMOST got away from the bird that flew off as it saw the tree coming down but was caught my the Falcan flying at breakneack speed to avoid the falling tree yet get its meal, MAY have been a bit miffed!

    Or answer #2: GOD saw and Cares because its just one more blight since the tree fell from disease and our eco systm is getting all out of whack or Answer #3: you're right! Who cares??

    Q2. If Superman didn't wear his cape, could he still fly?
    Answer: Sure!! Just not at high altitudes cuase he'd catch cold!!

    Q3. If you were fed grilled shark, is that 'revenge' for all the people sharks bite?

    Answer: Not unless you bit it WHILE it was still moving!! Sushi is more like revenge!!

    Q4. What is the silliest question you'd like to ask?

    Answer: What IS the purpose of Mesiqutoes and Cockroaches??

  2. 1. If a tree falls in the woods with no one there, does anyone know, or even care?

    Probably not. If it squishes any bugs, they're too dead to care anymore.

    2. If Superman didn't wear his cape, could he still fly?

    Depends on how much drugs he's on.

    3. If you were fed grilled shark, is that revenge for all the people sharks bite?

    Sure! Chomp!

    4. What is the silliest question you like to ask?

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    Carpe Noctem,

    Author Desirée Lee
    Putting the Romance Back in Necromancy

  3. Pam, what can I say ? All the best ideas have been expressed. LOL

  4. If the early bird gets the worm, why doesn't the worm just stay in bed?

  5. Anonymous8:28 AM

    1. Someone knows, and the tree probably cares that it fell.

    2. Superman can fly without his cape, but he looks kind of silly doing so.

    3. Eating shark is not revenge. You can't really blame sharks for biting people--and they don't do it as much as you might think. Eating shark is just being an omnivore.

    4. Do you Yahoo? (Maybe not so silly, but it sort of sounds silly.)

