Friday, August 13, 2010


It's all about the weather today!

1. What is your favorite season of the year?

2. Do you enjoy thunderstorms?

3. Hot and muggy or hot and dry?

4. Which would you prefer to go through: hurricane or tornado?


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    1. What is your favorite season of the year? All of them it's great to get out and enjoy them all.

    2. Do you enjoy thunderstorms? Yes very much so! i've been known to do evp work while lightning was very close.

    3. Hot and muggy or hot and dry? Both hot or cold weather neither one bothers me.

    4. Which would you prefer to go through: hurricane or tornado? Hurricane because you have lots of warning they are coming and can get away from it.

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Autumn is my faorite season.

    I don't mind the rain of a thunderstorm or even the thunder. The lightning can worry me a bit. And I don't like it if we lose power.

    I've only mostly experienced hot and muggy so I'm not even sure what the other is like. I would prefer not so hot!

    I've been through many hurricanes and would prefer that. As John said, there's usually a lot of warning so you can prepare or evacuate. Frankly, tornadoes terrify me.


  3. 1) I'll vote for all of them too if I can get back inside when I need to.
    2)Yes, as long as I'm safely away from any lightning. I love to watch it, but I do NOT want to be exposed to it.
    3)Neither, thank you !! My asthma tends to spoil my fun.
    4)Again, neither thank you !!
    Being the biggest chicken in the barnyard, I'll pass on them both.
