Friday, September 03, 2010


Today's asks about Labor Day Weekend.

1. What does Labor Day mean?

2. What do you plan to do this weekend?

3. What did it mean to you as a kid?

4. What does it mean to you as an adult?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Without double-checking, I believe Labor Day was instituted to honor the working man (and woman). I'd have to look up anything beyond that.

    Well, my plans have already been knocked awry, and not by the hurricane. I had planned to take Monday off and spend it with my husband, who is also taking the day off. (We're not guaranteed holidays in our jobs.) But he had a car malfunction on the way to work this morning, so we spent the morning dealing with that. We planned to see a movie at the theatre where he's a projectionist in the afternoon, but when we got there, one of the projectors was malfunctioning, so he ended up dealing with that while I watched the movie. ("Inception." Very good.)

    Labor Day weekend was the last of summer before Back to School.

    Afraid it doesn't have as much significance to me as an adult: a three-day weekend, except I work weekends, so....

