Sunday, September 19, 2010

Henricus Park's Publick Days

I went yesterday to the first day of Henricus Park's Publick Days in Chester, Virginia. Above as some photos from the event. It was a nice day, in the 80s, making it easy to walk around.
I was there to find out if there were any ghost stories about the place for the nonfiction ghost book, Haunted Richmond II, that I am working on now. One, yes there are, and twom you'll have to wait until the book is finally our to find out what!
Anyway, it was fun, even though my husband had to remain home, being on call for his job with Chesterfield County Utilities. All the smells (yum those cooking fires made me hungry), sights, and sounds (nothing like a blast from a cannon being fired to almost make you go deaf!) You got a taste of all the peoples that been on the land ranged from Powhatans to Citie of Henricus to Civil War. The first hospital in America, Malady Hospital, was up and there was a costumed interpreter to talk about what was used to doctor the Colonists and he had a jumble of bottled medicines of that time on the table by him.
If you are in Virginia in 2010-2011, do stop by this reproduction of the second English settlement in America. Espeically now, as it is the 400th anniversary of the settlement! From the paper I picked up, they plan to have alot of cool activities coming up. Just check their website:


  1. Thanks for sharing this! Went last year and had a great time, hated that I had to miss it this year, but enjoyed your photos. It is a gem of a place, and local too which is a real plus.
