Sunday, November 28, 2010

Interview Today at Paranormal America BlogTalkRadio Show

It will be today, November 28th, from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. at Paranormal America

I'll be talking about Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales. After a weekend of Thanksgiving craziness and Black Friday insanity, come relax and listen.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I'm thankful for many things,
Like friends and family,
While pets and books also top that list.
How about simple things?
A butterfly on a spring day,
Or a lit Jack-O-lantern on Halloween night?
Crying over a beautiful love story,
Or laughing over a silly joke?
But most of all, I can say
I'm thankful for life and what it brings each day.
Poem copyrighted by its author, Pamela K. Kinney

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Nothing weird, but humorous. Of course, it could be weird. Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Book Signing Saturday, Nov. 27th in Virginia Beach, Virginia

I'll be doing a book signing at the newly opened Cozy Corner-Haven for Readers and Writers bookstore this upcoming Saturday, November 27th from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Not only my two ghost books, but Spectre Nightmares and Visitations, and some of my paranormal romance I've written as Sapphire Phelan. Signed books make great Christmas gifts, plus check out the rest of the bookstore.
Their address is 613 Virginia Beach Blvd. Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451 Their phone number is 757-233-0996.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Since I am seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I today, Four Questions Friday asks about Harry Potter and what you think of this phenomenon.

Next week, there'll be no Four Questions Friday as I will be doing shopping on Black Friday and when not, working on my NaNo book since the end of the month is near. Four Questiosn Friday returns December 3rd.

1. Have you read the books, or just seen the films only?

2. Not counting the new one, which is your favorite of the Harry Potter films?

3. Favorite of the books?

4. Which Harry Potter character do you feel is most like you (this can be one of the secondary or ones that been in a book/film once)?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So is this the new style in hats this November?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Answers for Four Questions Friday November 12, 2010

Here they are:

1. The word not.

2. "B."

3. None! If you don't believe, try writing down all the numbers in words, you won't find the letter "A" in any of them. This is 1-100.

4. Larry.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Four Questions Friday has some brain teasing trick questions to see if you know the answers to. (I'll post the answers Monday on the blog, but do leave your answers in the comments until Monday at midnight.)

1. What is the answer to this: forward, I'm heavy, but backwards I am not?

2. Which letter of the alphabet flies, sings and stings?

3. Which numbers from 1-100 have the letter 'A"in their spellings?

4. Larry's father has five sons named Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Forty. . .Guess the name of the fifth?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

You Can Listen to My Latest Radio Inrterview Online

I did a radio interview yesterday at XTRA 99 in Gloucester, Virginia. If you were not local to that area and didn't hear it live, you can listen to it online at

Just scroll down the page--I will be the last author interview. And do check out the other authors, too.

Friday, November 05, 2010


Four Questions Friday asks about chance encounters with wild animals, since my husband and I had ours with a black bear on Blue Ridge Parkway, which we were on this past Wednesday.
1. Ever had a chance encounter with a wild animal?
2. What wild animal would you like to see one day in the wild that you never had yet?
3. What would you do if you were hiking in the woods and ran into a bear (we were in our car, but bears are in the mountains here, so it has and can happen)?
4. Do you like watching National Geographic or Animal Planet shows?

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Monday, November 01, 2010

Writer's Workshop by Chesterfield Writers Saturday, November 6th

I am one of the panelists for the all-day Writer's Workshop, being put on by the Chesterfield Writers.It will be from 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. this Saturday, November 6th, at the Meadowdale Library. It'd only $10 to attend all day and you can preregister at Writer's Workshop or pay at the door. The address of the library is 4301 Meadowdale Blvd. Richmond.