Friday, November 19, 2010


Since I am seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I today, Four Questions Friday asks about Harry Potter and what you think of this phenomenon.

Next week, there'll be no Four Questions Friday as I will be doing shopping on Black Friday and when not, working on my NaNo book since the end of the month is near. Four Questiosn Friday returns December 3rd.

1. Have you read the books, or just seen the films only?

2. Not counting the new one, which is your favorite of the Harry Potter films?

3. Favorite of the books?

4. Which Harry Potter character do you feel is most like you (this can be one of the secondary or ones that been in a book/film once)?


  1. 1. I have read all the books and seen all the films.

    2. Goblet of Fire

    3. Order Of The Phoenix.

    4. Lupin.

    I am not particularly fond of the Potter films directed by David Yates. They have a certain "bloodless" quality to them. I hope he did a better job with Deathly Hallows. I was rather disappointed to learn that he was at the helm of the final installments of the film series.

  2. 1) Both AND got all the videos too.

    2)The next one. LOL

    3)ALL of 'em.

    4) My husband says that I'm most like Maggie Smith's character
    (Minerva McGonagall), and he's most like Robbie Coltrane's character ( Rubeus Hagrid ).

  3. 1. I have devoured the books and the films. While each and every book mostly has strengths, I'm not a fan of all of the films.

    2. Prisoner of Azhkabaan

    3. Order of the Phoenix.

    4. Luna Lovegood! ;-)

    I agree with the person who didn't like the films by David Yates. That being said, this new one is loads better than I expected (probably because the actors can finally carry these roles).

  4. 1) I have read all the books and seen everything that's been released except the new one...(on tap for Sunday)

    2) Probably number 1.

    3) Number 3

    4) None. But my favorite character is Snape. ;)

  5. I have read all of the books. As an English teacher, I thought the first one to be almost painful and badly-written, but a good story. The second was better. The third one was when she hit her stride and wrote a bloody good book.

    2-I have only seen the first couple and was disappointed that they didn't measure up to the books, as usual, so I'm not inclined to see the rest unless husband rents them for pizza night.

    3-The third one, "Goblet of Fire".

    4-Tonks, the auror. She dyes her hair, is fiercely loyal, and has a weird sense of humor. Plus she falls in love with a werewolf...what's not to like?

  6. I have read the books over and over and find the movies, while mostly not as good as the books, eminently watchable. I can always watch a HP movie.

    My favorite book is Prisoner of Azkaban.

    My favorite movie is also POA and that is the one movie I think is better than the book. :-)

    The character I'm most like is Luna*g*, but my favorite character is Harry.

  7. 1. Have you read the books, or just seen the films only?

    I've read all the books twice each, plus dipping into them off and on since.

    2. Not counting the new one, which is your favorite of the Harry Potter films?


    3. Favorite of the books?


    4. Which Harry Potter character do you feel is most like you (this can be one of the secondary or ones that been in a book/film once)?


  8. 1.) Both

    2.) Prisoner of Azkaban

    3.) Order of the Phoenix

    4.) Hermione. It's this line in the first film that clinches it for me: "I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading." *Plops a 20-lb. book onto the table.*
