Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Starfleet Atlantic's Annual SciFi Yard Sale in Virginia Beach, Virginia Saturday, May 28th

I'll be not only selling some collectibles, used books and clothing, but also some of my own books at Starfleet Atlantic's annual SciFi Yard Sale. I will have a couple of copies of Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales, a couple of copies of Haunted Richmond, Virginia, and a couple of copies of my fiction collection of horror/dark fantasy short stories, Spectre Nightmares and Visitations. I also write paranormal romance under the pseudonym, Sapphire Phelan, and will be selling some Forbidden Love print books and some eBooks on CDs.

Find the yard sale at 4844 Linshaw Lane Virginia Beach. For more information on the sale plus directions: 757-499-2359. Besides me will be other vendors selling collectibles (Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, much, much more) and more. The event is FREE.

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