Thursday, October 20, 2011

Author Tailgate Party/Book Signing October 15, 2011--With Pictures!

Last Saturday, October 15th, my husband and I drove to Keswick, Virginia, where some fellow authors of Virginia Romance Writers and I would be doing a tailgate party and book signing. Other authors that were not members of VRW joined us, too.

There was a tiny chill to the autumn wind, but the day was sunny. The cold wasn't daunting, but the wind was, as several times it blew stuff off my table and others', too. Some leaves were starting to change, and it appeared at a McDonald's that we stopped at for breakfast, many were traveling, maybe even heading to Skyline Drive to view peak colors.

When Bill and I arrived, we found one side of A&W Collectibles and Antiques held a yard sale in a field, while our tailgate party was to the right. Bill drove around to the back, following a driving path to a spot where he parked. We set up the table, decorating it and opening the trunk, also decorated that. All with Halloween, and even some fall things.

Luckily, the baseball cap I use when Bill and I do our walk, was in the car and I put it on as the wind made my hair fly every which way. Kathy Mix gave me a rubberband so I also put my hair into a ponytail. Though my signing that night was at a zombie rising event , I didn't need to look scary (*chuckle*) myself. 

The day was perfect, spending time with good friends and talking to those who ventured over to our side, to talk to us and look at our books. It was sad when we had to pack up around one so that we could drive to Williamsburg to get dinner before that event started.


  1. Sara from Vrw8:42 PM

    I love the pics! Looks like it was alot of fun. I'm sad I missed it. All the Halloween tables awesome.

  2. Looks like fun. Sorry I missed your spook night at Movie Tavern. Wanted to go buy your book. Hope to see you at CBW on Nov 16.
