Sunday, October 16, 2011

Interviewing Horror Author M. R. Gott

Please enjoy learning about MR Gott, as I interview him. If have any questions, do leave a comment and I am sure he will be glasd to answer them.

1.) -Please tell us about your latest book.

Where the Dead Fear to Tread is a supernatural mystery that unravels through the course of a three person chase sequence, with no two parties working together. The novel combines the grit of old detective pulps with contemporary horror trappings. Within the tense sequences I try to find small moments to show my readers who these characters are.

2.) -What can we expect from you in the future?

The sequel Where the Damned Fear Redemption has been completed. I would like to take this opportunity to state this will not be a never ending series, this is a large story with a very definitive ending. Each book in this series will stand alone, but be part of a larger picture.

3.) - How would you describe the genre in which you do most of your writing?

I write horror without the cannon fodder characters. To me the most detrimental element to creating tension is having a story populated by thin characters who only take actions to facilitate their slaughter.

4.) –What other genre would you like to write in?

After writing two novels with intense emotional graphic violence I would like to complete a novel devoid of explicit violence, that still draws shivers from my readers.

5.) What motivated you to start writing?

I have always had a strong fondness for the art of storytelling. Stories are the way we explore concepts.

6.) -What kind of research do you do?

I have family members in the medical field and they often receive calls and emails about what happens to the body when it sustains certain trauma.

7.) -Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?

I outline my stories, write the first and last chapters and then fill in the blanks. It is completed when it is completed.

8.) -Where do your ideas come from?

My mind does not stop, I have numerous files of story and scene ideas. There is no single element that inspires me, the world I live in does.

9.) -Who, if anyone, has influenced your writing?

Laurell K Hamilton’s early Anita Blake books were a huge influence. While I have abandoned the series, the character of Anita holds a special place for me. Other writers such as Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler and Clive Barker are my stylistic inspirations.

10.) -Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I have always loved telling stories, and was coaxed from a very young age. I vividly remember in fourth grade being told by my teacher that the story I wrote for an assignment was too violent for class, but too well thought out and developed not be allowed to submit it. In sixth grade I sold a short story to a few classmates. It was a Frankenstein parody about my birth.

11.) -What is the most rewarding thing about being a writer?

The creation of stories and characters is such a compulsive activity for me it is just a need. I have never stopped writing in my life, it is only now that I am able to take an idea and fully develop it.

12.) Among your own books, have you a favorite book? Favorite hero or heroine?

Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe and Robert E Howard’s Conan (not any film version) are characters I have a great fondness for. They are all outsiders who find success in a world that is in direct conflict with their world view.

13.) -Please tell us about yourself (family, hobbies, education, etc.)

I am happily married and enjoy beverages as dark as my sense of humor.

14.) -Are there any words of encouragement for unpublished writers?

Eventually you will reach a point when you need to step up and search out true feedback. Not just from friends and family, but people who have no reason to spare your feelings. When you start sending out query letters choose a rejection response to wear as a badge of honor. For me it is a short story (still unpublished) that I was informed kicked around the office for a month before it was rejected. The rejection letter stated the reader was physically shaking while reading it. Somehow this horror magazine didn’t want it.

15.) Tell us your website, FaceBook, Blog, any urls so the readers can find out more about you.

Where The Dead Fear to Tread has a FaceBook Page you can like. Another great way to reach me is at Goodreads

And I maintain a BLOG too.

Book Blurb:
A police officer and a serial killer search separately for a missing child while running a malevolent labyrinth populated by creatures they never knew existed.

Former prosecutor William Chandler, disgusted with his past inaction, spills the blood of those who victimize children to correct the ills he sees in the world. A self-admitted serial killer and uncomfortable with his actions, Chandler attends the funerals of those whose lives he has taken in an effort to retain a true understanding of the nature of violence.

The carnage left in his wake is investigated by Detective Kate Broadband, who becomes progressively more comfortable with the corpses left by Chandler. Envying the power she sees in him, she pursues Chandler as each search for Maria Verde, a missing eight-year-old girl.

As Chandler and Broadband draw closer to discovering what happened to Maria they are forced to confront The Devourer, an unnatural being trafficking in stolen children.

Where the Dead Fear to Tread is a tale of hard-boiled macabre, bridging numerous genres to reveal a story of horror, crime and revenge.

Find Where the Dead Fear to Tread at Untreed Reads Store, Amazon and most major e-book retailers.

Author Bio:

M.R. Gott is the author of the novel Where the Dead Fear to Tread and the forthcoming sequel Where the Damned Seek Closure. You can visit M.R. at his website Cutis Anserina at Where the Dead Fear toTread Blog.

Aside from contacting M.R. you will find his collection of book reviews and a list of small horror films you may have missed. M.R. lives contentedly in central New Hampshire with his wife, and their three pets. Aside from writing M.R. enjoys dark coffee, dark beer and fading light.

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