Thursday, October 27, 2011

Supernatural Friday: Halloween Macabre

The below poem belongs to Pamela K. Kinney and is copyrighted to her only, so please share thr blog link to your friends and not take off this blog to put on yours, or on forums or websites. Thank you.

Darkness spills

its ink across the sky,

Jack-o-lanterns on porches and fences

shine golden light

A cackle,

and a shadow flies against the crescent moon:

It’s a witch on a broom!

Black cat’s yellow eyes are all

you can see in the night

A low hoot calls from a tree,

and an owl swoops down. Scattering leaves.

Childish laughter,

adults’ murmurings,

and doorbell chimes,

It’s Halloween.

An icy breeze swirls around

costumed bodies, causing shivers,

But is the cold,

or something more?

Misty, ghostly forms danced

across neighborhood lawns,

Voices on the air

None mortal,

More shadows flood out

the moon in the sky,

And jack-o-lantern light

blinks out

Children dragging bags of candy

are led by parents

Into safety of homes,

doors and windows locked tight.

All Hallows Eve

now belongs

to its rightful owners,

Let the dance macabre begin!


  1. Great poem, evocative.

  2. Loved the poem, it's just right to read just before Halloween.

